A Message To Our Patients - LCTHC CEO


"I sincerely hope that by the time you are reading this message, our community has fought through the worst of COVID-19 and we are on our way to recovery. This is without a doubt the worst pandemic to hit the U.S. creating the largest impact not only in regard to the lives it has stolen but the effect it is having on our jobs and schools. In dire situations it has been my practice to hope for the best, prepare for the worst, and build on the positive. What could possibly be positive about this situation you might ask. 

In the 10 years I’ve served LCTHC in the leadership role, I have never seen our Consortium Tribes pull together as you are now. There is a true sense of Community filled with collaborations, donations, and volunteering. Our resilience has been tested time and time again by floods, fires, power shutoffs, and now COVID-19. Time and time again Lake County has fought through these tribulations and recovered. This pandemic will be no exception, and Lake County will again pull through.  Our community, as a whole, has proven to be “Lake County Strong” but I feel confident in saying that within Lake County Strong our Tribes and Consortium are “Tribal Tough”.


Tribal Tough is difficult to put in words, it’s one of those things that if you know, you know. You feel it and see it in the face of your fellow Tribal Member, the same way I see it in the faces of my fellow teammates at LCTHC. The same team that shows up for work every day with determination and dedication despite the uncertainty and panic surrounding us. Rest assured we have prepared for situations like this and have executed our phased emergency plan. A plan developed to guarantee the continued service and care of our patients with a Consortium Member focus, onsite and offsite."


Due to the successes LCTHC has earned under the direction of a forward-thinking Board of Directors, LCTHC was in a position to grant financial aid to the consortium tribes totaling over $170,000. This enabled member tribes to respond directly to our tribal community and tribal member needs related to the COVID-19 outbreak. In times of Self-Quarantine and Shelter-In Orders, it’s important that aid goes out to our tribal community when you can’t come to us. For those who are able to come to us, we have developed a thorough emergency plan with your safety and wellness as priority."

-Ernesto Padilla